our Team

Liu Tupikina
Dr. Liubov Tupikina is a researcher, working on stochastic processes and applications with research groups in France, Germany, Russia.
Liubov: "If not for my teachers of mathematics in childhood, I would never have started to be interested in solving mathematical problems, which originated from the physics problems. It is important to make children unafraid of mathematics, which is something we are working on in Lecturers Without Borders."

Athanasia Nikolaou
Dr. Athanasia Nikolaou studied physics in Athens, Greece, holds a MSc in climate science and a PhD in planetary science. She has worked in the Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency (ESA) in the Netherlands and in the German Aerospace Centre in Germany. She is part of the international science consortium of the ARIEL Space Mission, currently working at ESA in Rome, Italy. Her research focuses on planetary evolution, the stability of dynamical systems and climate processes on early Earth and on exoplanets.

Eugenia covernton
Eugenia Covernton suppports in the coordination of activities of Lecturers Without Borders since 2020. She studied Biotechnology in Argentina and Science Management in South Korea, before moving to France in 2014 for a PhD in Virology. She is fascinated by viruses, but her true passions are education and science communication. She is currently involved in several teaching activities that aim to help students become active participants in their own education and that of others.
Engagement Coordinator

Cintia Stival
Cintia Stival is a Lecturer Consultant for LeWiBo, working to improve the quality of seminars. She is a researcher on mammalian reproduction in Argentina. She has travelled to Mexico and the USA, to work on international collaborations to develop her research. She also teaches undergraduate biology courses. Her love for both teaching and science came from the inspiration she got from her passionate high school teachers, so she recognises the power that motivation and committed mentorship has on young students.
Education Consultant

Mikhail Khotyakov
Mikhail Khotyakov teaches mathematics. He currently works in German schools and organises maths clubs. He finds continuous sustainable education crucial for children's development and wishes for a network of scientists who can strengthen children's motivation through specially prepared lectures in their field of science. In LeWiBo, he is responsible for the schools and is always ready to review scientists' presentations for child-suitability.

Delphine Clara Zemp
Dr. (Delphine) Clara Zemp is a researcher working in Germany and Indonesia on interactions between tropical forests, climate change and land use by humans.
Clara: "By sharing my knowledge and fascination with forest ecology with children, I hope to contribute to building landscapes of tomorrow that host biodiversity and humans in harmony".