febiotec and lecturers without borders team-up to introduce contemporary biotechnology science in granada (PARTICIPATION link BELOW)

#Biology and #Technology are terms individually well known among students, but merge the two and you get a whole new field! Biotechnology is at the forefront of Applied sciences as we encounter and use its achievements in our everyday life, often unknowingly. From food production to wastewater treatment and many more, Biotechnology has a whole "rainbow of colours" to describe its many pathways. This Spring, building on the success of the Biotechnofarm project we partner with the Spanish Association of Biotechologists FEBiotec and the Association of Biotechnologists of Andalucia AsBAn in "Let's talk biotechnology!". We are delighted to bring Biotech to school students by organising guest lectures by spanish researchers. During the weeks of 22nd of April to 9th of May the schools in Granada will have the chance to host experienced researchers who will introduce them to various topics:
a. DNA extraction (lab workshop) |
b. Copy&Paste genes: What is CRISPR about? |
c. Green & Brown Biotech: How do we engineer our plants and fields to feed the world? |
d. Blue biotech: Oceanic organisms at the service of our needs. |
e. Career paths in biotechnology: the colours of a wide science rainbow |
If you are a teacher and are interested to participate with your class (students' ages 13 years or older) please fill in your interest in the form below, preferably by 12th March:
If you are a researcher interested in contributing with a talk, write us at info@lewibo.org
For any questions and clarifications please contact info@lewibo.org
With the kind support of FEBiotec and AsBAn associations.
