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Webinar Catalogue

If they prefer, schools can request online (insted of in-person) lectures - view our selection of webinars here and, if you're interested in requesting one of them, let us know and we will make it happen!

Conference Meeting

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How do neurons talk to each other?

Available in:

English, Russian

Recommended age:



In order for us to think, some cells in our brains, called neurons, need to be able to communicate with each other. But how do they do this? During the main part of the lecture we will talk about synapses and principles of their work.

How do we calculate the impact of climate change?

Available in:

Dutch, English

Recommended age:



More and more, we hear things like 'droughts are becoming more likely' or 'floods are expected to happen more often', especially when one of these events happens. But how do scientists calculate this? How do we know and understand what a changing climate means? And maybe more importantly - what don't we know yet?

How to find giant asteroids from little shooting stars.

Available in:


Recommended age:



Have you ever seen a beautiful shooting star lighting up briefly in the night sky.Shooting stars or as we call the Meteors are small space rocks.Scientists can know lot about our solar system by studying meteors.Some parental rocks of the meteors are large so we call them asteroids.Some of these Asteroids may in a path to collide with earth.We all know what happened to Dinosaurs after earth collided with a large asteroid. Find out how you can contribute to saving the earth from Asteroids by observing shooting stars.

In-silico representation of Molecules

Available in:

English, Hindi, Malayalam

Recommended age:



A short lecture on the different methods and representation of the Molecule and their history.

How do plants survive without water?

Available in:

English, Portuguese, Spanish

Recommended age:



Whenever an animal encounters harsh environmental conditions, it can move/migrate in search for a new environment with better ones (even if transiently). Plants, however, don't have that ability. How do they survive, then, in such a variety of environmental conditions? In this seminar, Maria Cecilia Costa will discuss the adaptations that allow plants (some better than others) to adapt to harsh environments, either because of the cold of because of the low availability of water. She uses examples like Siberian and South African plants to compare extreme scenarios and offers an interactive chat with the students in which they can think of their own questions about plan adaptations

How do we study other planets?

Available in:

Dutch, English

Recommended age:



Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has an ocean of liquid water under it's icy surface. Maybe life is possible there. Strangely, nobody has ever been able to look through the ice of Europa. How then do we know that there is an ocean underneath? In this lecture, Hans Huybighs will explain how other planets (or moons) are studied using spacecraft to make discoveries like Europa's ocean.

How to solve mathematical problems: from game theory to programming

Available in:

English, Russian

Recommended age:



The lecture is about general methods for solving mathematical problems. An example of the lecture's content is uploaded here.

Introduction to Microfluidics

Available in:

English, French, Portuguese

Recommended age:



Have you ever imagined that liquids can behave differently on the macro and in the micro-scale? No? But what would happen if our blood ran inside our veins as rivers, with swirls and waves? Microfluidics is a new technology that takes advantage of this different behavior to perform experiments with much more control and accuracy!

How do scientists study the origins of life on Earth?

Available in:

English, French

Recommended age:



The field of astrobiology, or the study of the origins of life on Earth and the signs of life in the Universe, is a vast one. Scientists from many disciplines converge to this field and bring their own expertise. The beauty of this science is in the numerous methods, techniques, and experiments carried out in order to answer one single, important question: how did we end up here, on this planet? The diversity of people, ideas and data encountered in this field is properly amazing! Through examples of historical and modern experiments, this webinar proposes to discuss the philosophy of astrobiology, its main hypotheses and more importantly the critical thinking associated with the scientific method. Also, there might be some cool pictures of distant worlds here and there.

How does the immune system work?

Available in:

English, Italian, Spanish

Recommended age:



Our bodies are able to fight diseases caused by infectious organisms like viruses and bacteria. This is thanks to our incredible immune system, a team of cells that work as a natural defense to keep us healthy. In this webinar we will look at what the immune system is, how it works and how we can train it to protect us better.

Information theory as a tool to make sense of complex systems

Available in:

English, French, Italian, Spanish

Recommended age:



I will recall how reduction in variance and reduction in surprise are two similar (and sometimes identical) ways of investigating dependencies in dynamical systems. I will present how this framework can be used to investigate higher order dependencies to find information-based multiplets and to allow for a more precise characterization of multivariate patterns of connectivity. I will then show how we can look at interactions across temporal scales, and present some applications .

Introduction to Synthetic Biology

Available in:


Recommended age:



I am sure you have heard of biology, but have you heard of synthetic biology? Synthetic biology is a new and exciting field that is pushing the limits of what we can understand and create with biological systems. We are taking our understanding of biology, and using it to engineer new biological systems with diverse function. From helping cure disease to turning bacteria into environmental healers, the potential is endless. This webinar will introduce the fundamentals of synthetic biology and how it is and can be applied in the world around us.

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