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Webinar Catalogue

If they prefer, schools can request online (insted of in-person) lectures - view our selection of webinars here and, if you're interested in requesting one of them, let us know and we will make it happen!

Conference Meeting

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Climate change and Climate detectives

Available in:

English, Italian

Recommended age:



In this webinar, Beniamino Abis focuses on the basics of climate and climate change, and on how students can help, learn, and make a difference through the Climate Detectives initiative organised by ESA. It also addresses the difference between weather and climate, underlines the importance of the atmosphere, gives examples of how climate change is already affecting the planet and how it might affect future scenarios, and showcases how scientists study and observe the Earth.

CRISPR approaches: New molecular strategies for Life Sciences and Medicine

Available in:

English, German

Recommended age:



This webinar aims to answer the questions: "Why is there such a hype about CRISPR?" "What is CRISPR ?" and "How can CRISPR be used?�

Doing Science to save the planet, inspiring, isn't it?

Available in:

English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

Recommended age:



The title looks ambitious but this is really the phrase that pushed me into the decision to follow the Chemistry career and that pushes me every day to the laboratory. This is what I try to do every day with my scientific work, trying to find solutions to the environmental problems that are damaging our planet and our quality of life. Of course, it is not easy, and it is teamwork. But I'm trying to give my "grain of sand", as we say in my mother language.

Global warming: 4 key questions

Available in:

English, Russian

Recommended age:



Global warming (or, more precisely, global climate change) is one of the most controversial issues of our time. Scientists and politicians, businessmen and bloggers argue about it, and the disagreements relate to a variety of issues related to global warming. How do we know how the climate will change in the future? Does global warming really exist, and if so, how is it expressed? How can it affect people's lives and health, the economy and the environment? Is humanity to blame for it, or is it a natural process? Finally, can we affect global warming? While studying climate remains a daunting task, many of the answers are already known to scientists. The lecture examines the positions of experts on the main, most pressing issues related to global warming, and the sources of our knowledge about the past and future of the Earth's climate.

Climate change, an overview

Available in:

English, Italian

Recommended age:



This webinar touches upon several topics related to climate change. In particular, the following themes are discussed: - Causes and main consequences of climate change - Risk perception - Individual vs. collective actions - Scientific consensus and climate skepticism - Climate justice The whole presentation lasts approximately 4 hours and can be easily split into two parts. Alternatively, a short version is available, with a reduced number of topics. The webinar is not meant to be a frontal lecture, but rather an interactive session. Students participate in a quiz, in which they are encouraged to voice their opinions.

Déréglement climatique Un grand défi de l'anthropocène

Available in:

English, French

Recommended age:



Présentation et deux parties et en en français des enjeux écologiques et sociaux du déréglement climatique : - C'est quoi le climat ? - Quels sont les impacts du réchauffement climatique ? - à quoi sont dus ces changements ? - Quelles pourraient en être les conséquences ? - Tous impactés pareil ? - Quid de nos objectifs ? - Futur possible des émissions de GES - Une responsabilité partagée équitablement ? - Quels efforts requis pour nos sociétés ? - Quels leviers d'action pouvons-nous mettre en place ? - Une démarche personnelle peut-elle suffire ? - Ma démarche personnelle, mon projet professionnel, notre projet de société.

Energy transition - can we power our lives with renewable energy only?

Available in:

English, German

Recommended age:



Why do we need an energy revolution? How can we benefit from it and how can we make it happen? In this webinar, Diana S�sser will discuss energy transition and present different options for using renewable energies to create a greener future for ourselves. She will explain why this transition is essential to fight climate change and discuss its current challenges and limitations.

How do bacteria and viruses make us sick?

Available in:

English, Hindi

Recommended age:



The human body has an incredible immune system that provides us with defence against bacteria and viruses. However, we still do fall sick and many pathogenic infections lead to death. I study different strategies employed by these pathogens to attack our immunity. This helps us to develop treatments for such diseases and understand the beauty of nature furthermore. I could engage students in understanding the strategies of bacteria and how scientists learn them.

Consumer Behaviour

Available in:

English, Georgian

Recommended age:



Consumer behaviour is the study of how people make decisions about what they buy, want, need or act in regards to a product, service or company. To understand consumer behaviour, we must understand the factors that affect it, including psychological, personal and social factors.

DNA, what does it do, why is it important and what do we do with it

Available in:


Recommended age:



This webinar aims to take students into the world of DNA, all the way from what and where it is to its function. Students will discover how every cell has the same DNA and why are cells of our body different. Finally, it explores the current use of DNA as a tool for understanding disease through sequencing and analysis. This webinar is tailored for children between 8 and 12 year but easily adaptable to other age groups by simplifying the concepts or bringing in more complex aspects of DNA research.

Environmental Education project in public elementary schools

Available in:

English, French, Malagasy

Recommended age:



This webinar describing the content of the environmental education project in elementary public schools in Madagascar such as strategies, the importance of implementing, etc�

How do clouds influence climate change?

Available in:

English, Italian

Recommended age:



In this webinar, Katinka Bellomo explains what clouds are, how they form and their role in the current climate and in climate change. The contents vary slightly depending on the age of the students.

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