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Webinar Catalogue

If they prefer, schools can request online (insted of in-person) lectures - view our selection of webinars here and, if you're interested in requesting one of them, let us know and we will make it happen!

Conference Meeting

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Fungi synthetic biology / Biología sintética de hongos

Available in:

English, Spanish

Recommended age:



Molds, also known as filamentous fungi, hide a vast capacity to produce high-value products and substitute current chemical reactions, full of pollutants, to more sustainable ways of production. The use of molds goes from the classical fermentation of beverages and foods to the bioproduction of pigments, antimicrobials, vitamins and other molecules with application for medicine, food or textil industry, among others. But that's not all: we use can go even further thanks to the novel synthetic biology tools that allow researches to modify fungi genes as "lego" pieces to create efficient and sustainable "biofactories". Do you want to know more about filamentous fungi and synthetic biology? Ask for a talk!

The origins of life meet microfluidics

Available in:

English, French, Portuguese

Recommended age:



It is still not clear how life appeared on Earth billions of years ago. Microfluidics, new technology in handling liquids on the micro-scale, is helping scientists to find answers.

Tipping Points, Abrupt Events and the Ancient Earth

Available in:

English, Hindi

Recommended age:



In the past 66 million years, Earth's climate has continuously changed due to the movement of tectonic plates, periodic cycles driven by Earth's orbital processes and abrupt climate shifts. This talk focuses on the rare, abrupt and extreme climate shifts in the Earth's system which are speculated that they could have occurred due to the passing of a "tipping point".

What animal behavior can teach us about the human brain

Available in:

English, Greek

Recommended age:



This webinar will explain how scientists use animal behavior to understand the human brain and the mechanisms underlying brain disease. A Q&A session will be available at the end of the webinar.

Life at the bottom of the ocean: the discovery of life without sunlight

Available in:

English, French

Recommended age:



In the late 1970s, ocean scientists and geologists discovered strange geological features, lying at the bottom of the seas. There, these scientists were shocked to encounter life! In the complete darkness, at extreme pressures and temperatures, life is thriving. We will explore the peculiar geology of these places and understand how these life oases can inform us of the possibilities of life on other planets.

The Rules of Growth: Living Beings, Cities and Companies

Available in:

English, Italian

Recommended age:



In this webinar, we will discuss the physics of scale in nature, human society (cities) and business, in order to explore how seemingly different systems can respond to somewhat similar rules for growing.

Tooth Regeneration

Available in:

English, Italian, Arabic

Recommended age:



Can we regrow our teeth back? What are the challenges and what is the current status of science in this endeavor?

What are eating disorders?

Available in:

English, Greek

Recommended age:



This webinar is an introduction into eating disorders. Students will learn what eating disorders are, which are the different types of eating disorders, which factors increase the risk of developing these disorders, in which professions they tend to be more common, and examples of famous people who suffered from these disorders. The webinar concludes with a Q&A session.

Introduction to matrices

Available in:


Recommended age:



Matrices have been the aesthetic aspect of mathematics that anyone who studies it, not only found interesting but also able to teach the topics or pass the knowledge to others without loss of generalities. The word “matrix” was not coined for over four millennia, yet the history of matrices can be traced back to ancient times. James Joseph Sylvester coined the term “matrix”. Matrix is a Latin word for "womb", derived from mater—mother, which is defined as an oblong arrangement of terms

The Sun

Available in:


Recommended age:



A webinar about our Sun; its importance to life on earth; its age and properties; its activities such as flares, CMEs; solar eclipses and solar missions.

Virtual Reality as a tool to increase empathy

Available in:

English, Portuguese, French

Recommended age:



In this seminar, Philippe Bertrand will show us how Virtual Reality, in addition to being fun, can be a tool for increasing people's empathy and ability to understand what other people might be feeling or perceiving in their everyday life. By putting us literally (well, virtually) "in somebody else's shoes", Virtual Reality offers countless possibilities for understanding of other people's perspectives or points of view.

What are planaria?

Available in:

English, French

Recommended age:



Planaria are strange animal living very close to us and able to regenerate when you cut them. Do you believe me? In this webinar, I will explain what are planaria, where do they live, and what are all the possibilities with them for research.

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