About us
Lecturers Without Borders is a project launched by a group of international scientists in late 2017, officially registered as an NGO in late 2019. It is a network of academic and STEM professionals partnering with schools around the world to give free outreach lectures to young students. Online lectures (in the form of webinars) are organised when the physical presence of the scientist in the classroom is not possible. As of today, the project has over 416 lecturers and can approach up to 1 000 schools around the world.

our mission
​We aim to bring science and scientists into the classrooms both on- and offline to empower, inspire and motivate kids and teens and to provide a safe and inclusive environment for a dialogue, discussion and exchange between scientists, teachers and school students.
our Vision
We want to encourage a permanent dialogue between scientists and their communities and provide students with first-hand experiences about what science is and who scientists are, while giving a voice to minorities in STEM and providing opportunities for science engagement to every school in the planet.
our values
Voluntary and not-for-profit
All lectures are based on voluntary work, and no financial compensation will be given to any lecturer or school. Exceptions can be made for reimbursement of materials and of travel costs in particular cases (e.g., if a school in a remote geographical location requested our intervention).
Low ecological footprint
The trips to schools are combined with existing travel plans of the scientists (e.g. to attend a conference, or visit a research lab) in the best way possible to ensure minimum extra travelling for our activities.
Inclusivity and
No discrimination is tolerated regarding gender, religion, sexual orientation, cultural or socio-economic background nor on any other basis, towards any of the people involved, at any stage of the organisation of educational activities.
Open education for everyone
We value open access to education, including minorities and groups that are usually excluded. We design our activities aiming to be reachable by any teacher or student independently from their social status or background. We aim to collect scientifically valuable resources and disseminate them to local communities.
Non conflict with any public educational programme
LeWiBo's activities are complementary towards strengthening STEM in education. LeWiBo's activities do not substitute official public planning educational programmes and aim to be aligned with them. Non conflict with any public educational programme of the host institution's country is ensured by the Beneficiary.
Anonymisation of data for external communication
Privacy of personal data of anyone registered in the LeWiBo network is ensured to the best of our capabilities. We do not collect any information on the identities of minors and do not share any information provided through our forms with anyone outside the organisation.